"How are you Stanley?"
You're asking me Francis? Hell, I'll tell you how I am. I'm exasperated; furious. In fact, I'm feeling so nasty that I think I might just commit, a comma splice. And maybe; incorrectly use that semicolon, just for kicks.
*Clears throat* Pardon the arrogance/insolence. Physically available; emotionally preoccupied would probably be the best way to describe how I am. And I'll tell you what I think: life's being biased. Unfairly favoring the idea that "nice guys finish last". Which ironically, I do believe in now haha. But enough about that.
How Am I? I'll tell you how I am. I'm scared. The thought of the "real world" scares me. I don't know how to approach it. Like getting the ball in the rough, my goal to reach that hole has only gotten harder. It only hit me when the days remaining of high school were denumerable with my ten fingers. Yes, it was definitely a trick but I did it. Life seemed so simple when I was just a little kid. I miss my care-free-at-ease-self.
The night I will never forget: grad dinner and dance. It was a bittersweet feeling. I hated the fact that it was one of the last nights as high school students; however, I loved how it brought us all together. Vitamin C - Graduation was the last song played. Cliché? Fuck that. The fact that everyone was crying clearly states how cliché it isn't. But I must admit, I was very close to tearing up haha. I'm not going to miss high school entirely. I'll only miss the seeing-everyone/constant-socializing parts of it. On that note: I have already organized mentally who I will see and never see again. "The forgottens" being the ones I'll never see again.
So again. How am I? I'm struck with nostalgia; I'm tired. Thanks for asking. But let's talk about something else. Like bugs? haha